King Tiger Wargaming

King Tiger Wargaming

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1000 point Imperial Guard with Daemon Allies vs Necrons

Daemonic Wargamer and I make a great team. We fought against a Dark Angel and CSM alliance and claimed an overwhelming victory despite all odds. Admittedly, he is the better player but he's a greater team player. Today we were challenged by Poon, a Necron player, to a game of 1000 points. Ok so slightly over 1k since we let him have a second overlord on a barge and he's a rookie. Daemonic's daemons aren't exactly finished yet with only two squads of beautifully painted bloodletters complete and a bloodthirster on its way. So he went as my allied detachment for today's match. Since he was trying his daemons for the first time, I too experimented with a new type of army..

The IG: Armoured Battle Group... An army purely dedicated to tread heads like me who have an addiction for tanks and all things tracked and armoured. Imperial Armour Volume 1 is where you'll find the rules for this type of army and they use mostly the same stuff as your standard Codex:IG except tanks can be taken as troops. So I went with several tanks - ok three to four tanks. The grey ones in the pic above.  One command vanquisher as a HQ with instakill blast template beast hunter shells and the rest demolishers and vanilla russes.

We rolled for deployment and got Dawn of War, and Purge the Alien - so basically it was time to go on a rampage and rack up as many unit kills as possible.

 So he got to set up first and he assembled all his Immortals and the Overlord in a ruined building set on top of a hill. During the terrain set up, he already set up a small defensive perimeter on a small little hill so it was no surprise that when he got to deploy, not only would he deploy some units in that small circumference... but he deployed almost all of them.

He ended up sticking his units in the small plateau on the left as seen below. Well ok the pic below is after the first turn but still you get the general idea. Only thing we killed that round was three immortals who did not rez, and a wraith. - lets get back to that later.

So his first turn was spent getting his guys behind the cover you see in the picture above and well it became horrible for him when he realised he wasn't in range for his tesla guns to have any effect on either demons or tanks. He refrained from doing anything in the assault phase and ended his turn.

So then it became our turn. Daemonic Wargamer had a few bloodletters and a bloodthirster (the sisters of battle walker was used as a proxy) on the board who moved up as far as possible and since he had no ranged attacks he could only hope he wasn't going to get shot to bits.

I got frantically obsessed with these things the minuite Daemonic Wargamer deployed them and went on a bit of a fangirl mode so you'll probably see more pictures of then than you will of anything else.

Amyways whilst he moves up, I fired away with my tanks. The Vanquisher's coaxial hit one wraith allowing me to twin link the main gun. I decided to take the opportunity to use its Str 8 AP2 Instant Death Beast Hunter Shells for the first time and I was not disappointed. Poor Poon lost a valuable close combat unit after failing his invulnerable save. The poor wraith never stood a chance with its two wounds. The russes that could see any of the remaining wraiths went straight for them and managed to wound the other two. Any other russ attempted to empty their shells on the immortals in the building or the unassembled lynchguards hiding behind a rock.

The invisible lynch:

The lynch got lucky. The five shot were all sucesffully rezzed. The immortals however, not so much, out of the five that died, two got back and the other three were out of the game.

The bloodthirster made its final move and plopped right into the little perimeter that the necrons made. The bloodletters popped a little bit closer as well.

Then came Poon's second turn. The bloodthirster in his base was clearly a dangerous threat and he immediately focused 90% of his forced on the damn thing - tesla rounds and the lord's weapons combined with a newly entered Triach Stalker all of which ended up leaving poor bloodthirster with two wounds left. Pretty bad round of shooting for the metal robots but damn good saves on Daemonic's behalf. Then whatever was left shot at the bloodthirsters, who shrugged the rounds off with their inulnerable saves. Since everything fired, there was no assault phase and Poon seemed to forget about his lynchguards.

Then came our second turn. A few demons came in from reserve to deal with the inmortals.

The Demolisher targeted a second wraith and nuked its ass with the Str 10 Ap 2 round, whilst the Vanquisher punched its way into the Triach who stood dangerously close to the Bloodthirster - thankfully it didnt go kaboom just yet or the damage may have rubbed off another wound on the Daemon HQ. We couldn't leave it standing there though and had to see it off this turn before it could thrash the Bloodthirster with its gun. The other russes focused on a few troops who stood along the perimeter of the line and thrashed rought eight troops. The executioner emptied its plasma on the lynch to make things easier for the newly deepstriked bloodletters. 

It only got better as I sucessfully killed the overlord who failed his attempt at ressurection. 

The destruction wasn't over yet. The bloodthirsters sucesfully made their way through difficult terrain and towards the last wraith, who was down to a single wound. The bloodthirster closed in on the stalker, hoping to wreck it before it would be its bane. The stalker didn't stand a chance and got wrecked immediately as it was already on its last hull point. 

The bloodletters however lost two of their boys before finally crushing the wraith beneath a torrent of attacks. 

The bloodletters that deepstriked handled whatever was left from the executioner's shots of the lynchguard and proceede to hack them to bits with a multitude of dice.

Then the poor Poon was already at odds. Outranged and hammered by the tanks and having a tough time wrestling the daemons he had yet to destroy a single unit. He managed to roll his second Overlord who rode atop a barge - and for the first time in the game he fired at my Demolisher who happened to be the closest available tank, but sadly he came to realise just how hard AV14 really was. 

His realisation came a bit too late. The remaining necrons vigoursly poured firepower into the oncoming daemons to no avail, removing only two more bloodletters from the board and nothing more could be done for his assault phase. The lynchguard were already all wiped out so that left him with pretty much inevitable doom.

So once again I fired away with my Leman Russes, destroying the lord's barge with the combination of vanquisher an demolisher and taking away a wound on the overlord when it exploded.

The other russes poured firepower onto the buidings and sucessfully wiped out four more - the others got cover saves or were rezzed.

The daemons moved up, with the bloodletters an the thirster engaging the immortals who were on the bottom floor and proceeded to beat his ass. The lynchguard slayers raced up the hill to join their comrades in the feeding frenzy. Needless to say only the overlord and a second squad remained

Turn 3, 
The overlord charged the bloodthirster but despite dealing it one wound, it was a suicide run and achieved little else. The one remaining squad on the building failed to do much and eventually he surrendered - by that time his side of the board looked like this:

So as you can tell, it was an overwhelming victory with not a single unit loss on our side and a mountain of dead metallic corpses rotting from their side. Albeit Poon is still a rookie at Necrons so he had yet to realise how to maximise the potential his units had, not to mention severely bad rolls. Overall it was another good game - the first game we went through without any units being lost!

More to come so stay tuned to King Tiger Wargaming's blog to find out more!
Comments are welcome!

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