King Tiger Wargaming

King Tiger Wargaming

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Space Wolves Sniper Scout

This is a Space Wolves Scout, armed with a sniper rifle

- I decided to go with a grey and black color scheme for the scouts, due to the fact that I personally think space wolves should have a darker scheme which would be much more realistic and I disagree with the fact that Games workshop had painted them in bright color. Well many of the space wolves player tend to go with the more darker color scheme. All and all it is all up to how you like it.

- The base for this one I used the texture paint from Games workshop and then washed with the dark shade. Now the simple way to get the snow to look good is by using PVA glue and applying the modelling snow on top. This is because PVA gives a thicker and more 3D look when the base is finished. The normal Thin plastic glue is much thinner and once it's dry the snow becomes partially transparent due to the fact that it blended with the normal glue.

Imperial Guard 3000+ points

Howdy folks,

The Emperor of Man has many servants and soldiers who are willing to die in his name. But none as numerous as the Imperial Guard, the hammer and backbone of the Imperium of Man. Below is my own collection of Imperial Guard, take a look:

This folks, is the Xioxian 4th Regiment - an Imperial Guard Army that specialises in mechanised and urban operations. Currently the army has grown since this picture to include a heavy weapon squad and a pair of basilisks (which I have yet to assemble). The lore behind this army is that they originate from the planet Xioxia and have grown and loved the roar of a tank engine. Xioxians are not afraid to throw their veteran troops and tanks into the most dangerous situations, by any Imperial Guard standard, and tear apart the enemy in a swift solution of melta, AP, demolisher, las and plasma.

Currently the Army consists of:

1x Baneblade - paint scheme inspired by Commissar Yarrick's Fortress of Arrogance
1x Banewolf
1x Leman Russ Executioner
1x Leman Russ Demolisher
2x Leman Russ
3x Sentinels w/Autocannons
4x Chimeras
45 + veterans - more offscreen
3x Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams
1x Lord Commissar
1x Yarrick - offscreen

I elaborate on the army above in further detail through my youtube video seen below:

Of course, I will go into further detail about each individual unit you see before you in future posts. If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask them :)

Doctor Xiox

New Chaos Daemon Codex

The new Chaos Daemon Codex,

Greetings Wargamers. To start off, I would like to say that overall the Codex itself has improved a lot in terms of graphics and the general look itself. For those who were already part of the Warhammer 40k fans, you can tell that it has changed drastically since the 4th edition. Games workshop has successfully, in my opinion, made the new releases of the codex to be much more vivid in terms of the output itself. For those who doesn't own the new Codex, it is a 104 page long hard book. All the pages are in full color. The Codex contains the introduction to the Daemonic forces and their history, a general outline of the whole individual units in the army, a showcase of all the models you would find in a Daemon army and last but not least it contains the information for the player to build an army list for a good old game of 40k to face your friends and foes.

Introduction to our blog

Fellow Wargamers, 
Welcome to King Tiger Wargaming's Blog. We intend to blog all things wargaming we do (both of us are 40k addicts so we will prbly start there before going onto other miniature wargames) but we hope you enjoy the photos, battle reports, lists, tactics etc. which we will post. Please enjoy!

The two admins, Daemonic Wargamer and Doctor Xiox are both avid 40k players, and we both have our own armies. Daemonic Wargamer has Space Wolves and Chaos Demons, Whilst Dr. Xiox has Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines.
Image courtesy of Warhammer 40k wiki