Word has it that the Robert Cruddice, author of the Imperial Guard Codex, is writing the upcoming Space Marine Codex due sometime next month.
King Tiger Wargaming got a few snippets of the new releases from an anonymous source as well, here is a glimpse at what you can expect:
Ok so this looks to be a new release of Centurion Assault and Devastator suits. I currently do not know what they are used for or how they may be used but regardless they don't seem to be very aesthetically appealing. At least I don't think so but DaemonicWargamer may say otherwise. They look like the bastard child of a dreadnought and a terminator armoured marine but a little bit more clanky... Looks a bit like something from the 80s... Cartoon show um... Damn the name escapes me but never mind...
Here's a possible list of upcoming weaponry these guys "could" be equipped with (Courtesy of BOLS):
Graviton Gun: 18" S:* AP:4 Heavy1, Blast, Concussion, Graviton Pulse, Haywireplease refer to their website for more details on the weaponry: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2013/08/40k-rumors-space-marines-tactical-box.html
Graviton Cannon: 36" S:* AP:4 Heavy1, LargeBlast, Concussion, Graviton Pulse, Haywire
Graviton Pulse: Instead of rolling to wound normally with this weapon, any model caught in its blast must instead roll equal to or under their Strength on a D6 or suffer a wound (a roll od 6 always counts as a failure). After the Graviton pulse weapon has been fired, leave the Blast marker in place. This area now counts as both difficult and dangerous terrain for the next turn thanks to the gravity flux.
Both weapons seem to be situational and have been drawn from the Horus Heresy series. It's nice to know a few old guns will make a reappearance.
We also know that the new Space Marine codex comes along with Apocalypse Warzone: Damnos - based on the Ultramarines vs. Necrons concept. Not a bad idea for two Ward armies pitted against one another.
New Space Marine Librarian and Captain models are coming out too, along with a new tactical squad.
Moving on we have the Hunter/Stalker Anti Aircraft Tanks:
You can't go wrong with the Rhino chassis and this model does not look half as bad. You can switch between two choices of weapons and from what we are told so far its capable of blasting Heldrakes out of the sky so maybe we will be seeing more of them once they get released.
Of course there's more to come and we will update you as soon as we can on more news. Let us know what you think in the comments below: